Frank Shines on Linkedin

Frank Shines can be followed or contacted on LinkedIn.  Born in the Silicon Valley, Frank has always been involved in tech so it is no surprise to learn that he was one of the first few hundred LinkedIn users.  And he continues to use LinkedIn in myriad ways:

  • To maintain and nurture military, business and professional social contacts with colleagues and interesting people around the world
  • To help others find job opportunities and mentor them on the future of jobs and work through his articles, books and posts
  • To gain insights from admired and reputable experts across all fields of interest
  • To keep a pulse on the most important developments in business, technology and society

Whether working with at-risk youth, production workers on the manufacturing line or professionals and executives, Frank Shines encourages them all to use LinkedIn as a tool to help manage their online reputations and market themselves and their organizations.

Here are a few articles that Frank has recommended to those seeking to better manage their online reputation and that of their business: